Dr. Jennifer Bramen and Dr. Karen Miller work as a team at the Pacific Brain Health Center to help people keep their brains fit, especially as we age. Dr. Bramen is a neuroscientist who specializes in brain imaging. Dr. Karen Miller is a geropsychologist and clinical neuropsychologist with three decades of experience dealing with aging brains. They work together to develop brain health lifestyle programs that combine physical exercise and brain training to stave of neurological decline in older adults and help people with healthy brains keep them that way. Listen to this podcast to learn how they combine their specialties to get results.
Strange though it may seem, we can tone our brain tissue the same way we tone our muscles. The fitness of our gray matter depends on how well we take care of ourselves. If we exercise, manage our stress, get plenty of sleep, and eat right, our brain function improves. We add more, better brain tissue. Dr. Jennifer Bramen and Dr. Karen Miller work as a team at the Pacific Brain Health Center to help people keep their brains fit, especially as we age. Dr. Bramen is a neuroscientist who specializes in brain imaging. Dr. Karen Miller is a geropsychologist and clinical neuropsychologist with three decades of experience dealing with aging brains. They work together to develop brain health lifestyle programs that combine physical exercise and brain training to stave of neurological decline in older adults and help people with healthy brains keep them that way. Listen to this podcast to learn how they combine their specialties to get results.